

Parent >>Teacher >> Vice-Principal >>Principal >>Pastor

  1. The parent first contacts the individual teacher and voices the concern.  The teacher will share his or her concerns.  The parent and teacher work together toward a solution.  Solutions will be implemented according to an acceptable solution.
  2. The parent should discuss the concerns with the vice-principal, particularly if the concerns are about academic or classroom management issues.
  3. If necessary, then the parents may approach the school principal.  The Principal will listen and discuss their concerns.  Together, they will search for an acceptable solution.  The Principal will take action after the parents have met with the teacher involved or have presented their concerns in writing.  Note: Normally, if action is to be taken, the Principal will meet with the teacher individually and, then, if appropriate, will meet with the teacher and parent together.  Actions will be taken in a prompt and timely manner.  The Principal will report to the parents on the progress of the action being taken.
  4. If, after parents have spoken with the principal, the matter is not resolved, the parents should set up an appointment with the pastor.


When school is in session, parents are requested to take care of any business at the school office and not disturb the classes.  The office will call your child from the room if necessary.


As a parish Catholic School, we endeavor to educate each student as a whole person. We build strong character and instill timeless values. We hold the students and their parents to a standard of civility, which is above the aggressive behavior exhibited by some in society. Therefore, we request and expect that all parents show respect to the administration, principal, vice principal, office personnel, faculty, other staff, parents, and students of Maria Regina School at all times.  This includes but not limited to:

  • During drop off each day in the traffic lanes/During pick up each day in the traffic lanes
  • In the halls
  • At the classroom doors
  • During meetings or any school sponsored events
  • On the yard
  • Parent-Teacher C​onferences

Parents model behavior for their children and other children everywhere they go. We expect every parent to follow all of the rules established by the school without exception.  

Each rule was set forth to address the needs of the students and school for safety and management reasons. “Under normal circumstances a student will not be depriv​ed of a Catholic education on the grounds relating to the actions/attitudes of parents; it is recognized, however, that a situation could arise in which the uncooperative or disruptive attitude of parents might so diminish the effectiveness of the education process that continuation of the student in the school may be impossible” (Taken from the Administrative Handbook, Archdiocese of Los Angeles).


Each family contact with the school requires cooperation with the school and its staff. Families may be asked to withdraw if exhibiting uncooperative attitude including rudeness, inappropriate language, and tone of voice and behavior. School staff includes all paid and volunteer personnel.

The strongest way to help your child put forth effort, concern and show care is to model these behavior for your child.  Some parent responsibilities include:

  • To set rules, times and limits so that your child gets to bed early on school nights.
  • To arrives to school on time and is picked up on time at the end of the day.
  • To set rules to ensure that student is dressed in the proper school uniform and homework assignments are completed and ready to be handed-in to the teacher(s).
  • To actively participate in school activities and fundraising projects.
  • To notify the school with a written note when student is absent.
  • To notify the school of any address change or important phone numbers.
  • To meet all financial obligations to the school in a timely manner.
  • To inform the school of any special situations regarding the students well-being, safety and health.
  • To complete and return any requested information promptly.
  • To read school bulletins and newsletters.
  • To support the religious and educational goals of the school.
  • To support and cooperate with the discipline policy of the school.
  • To remember that parents are the primary teachers of their child(ren).​

