​​Topic 4-04-2 – Absences with Acceptable Excuse

Excused Absence – The following constitute a legitimate or excused absence from school (official documentation required):

  1. Valid illness with medical verification/documentation.  Medical verification may also be required for an absence of more than three (3) consecutive days or if a student has accumulated excessive absences throughout the academic term.
  2. Attendance at funeral services or bereavement in the immediate family.
  3. Court Summons.
  4. Quarantine directed by a County or City Health Official.
  5. An emergency or special set of circumstances judged as sufficient cause by school authorities (Administration and/or Dean).  The Principal should be notified of the circumstances immediately.

    Unexcused Absence – All other absences taken with permission of the parents/guardians but not that of the school.  This includes family vacations, trips, personal reasons, etc.  Such absences count towards excessive absence.  Absences that fall under the “excused list" will be deemed unexcused until proper documentation and a parent/guardian note is submitted to the Attendance Office.

    The Vice Principal, Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Director of Counseling, and one Dean of Discipline constitute the Review Board and will evaluate appeals from students and their parents/guardians to reinstate credit that has been withheld.  Records of submitted doctors' notes for excused absences verifies their legitimacy and strengthens any appeal.  The Review Board, with the approval of the Principal, reserves the right to reinstate or deny credit.  If credit is denied, the student may be required to withdraw from Bishop Alemany High School.  If the student is allowed to continue enrollment, denied credit must be made up.

    Excessive Absence – When a student accumulates 13 or more unexcused absences in any course, credit for the course may be withheld.  This includes illness without medical documentation.  Students may also face disciplinary action.​

