Release of Students
Students may not leave the campus for any reason at any time during the school day unless they have parent and school permission. All release of students must be done through the Main Office. (It is the policy of the school to refrain from interrupting a class in order to call out a student for dismissal unless it is an emergency or unavoidable. All students who are dismissed during a class session need to have obtained an off campus permit from the attendance office prior to the beginning of school. All students are required to sign out from the Attendance office). All legal regulations and insurance requirements must be met. Students may not have off- campus lunch privileges. Please note that due to student safety and accountability, students will not be dismissed from Mass or assemblies unless prior arrangements have been made.

Students who must leave school during the school day must obtain an off-campus permit from the Attendance Office. Any student who misses more than two (2) periods on a regular day will be counted absent for the day. Any student who misses more than one period on a block day will be counted absent for the day.
Participation in School Activities and Athletics: Students who wish to participate in any school activity of any kind on a particular day must be in school at least 4 full periods (or 2 full block schedule periods). If the game or activity is on a Saturday or Sunday, this obligation must be fulfilled on the previous Friday.

Masses and Pep Rallies/Assemblies
All students are required to attend all Masses, Rallies and Assemblies. No students will be released from school during preparation or celebration of Mass or a prayer service, rally or assembly. If an urgent situation should occur, parents must make arrangements to pick up students at least 45 minutes prior to the start of the event. Students are to follow dismissal procedures and bring in a parent note in the morning prior to the start of the school day. All offices are closed during Masses, rallies and assemblies so that faculty and staff members may attend. Please plan accordingly. Please consult the school calendar for specific dates and times of these events.​

