Tardiness Policies
● Tardiness is defined as arriving in any class after the bell for the start of class has rung.
● Students will be issued a 1-hour detention for each Tardy to class.

First Block of the Day
● Students who are 20 minutes or more tardy to the first class of the day must go to the Attendance Office to obtain a tardy slip before attending their first class. 20 minutes or more tardy is considered an absence and the student is subject to disciplinary action.
● Students will receive a 1-hour detention for each tardy beginning with the 4th tardy to school each semester. (The first 3 tardies of each semester - detention is waived in consideration of unforeseen circumstances.

● Tardiness to any class is a school infraction. It may be excused only when it is the result of a counseling or other appointment with a school official and the student presents the teacher with a note from that person.
● A student who is tardy to any class must attend detention. There are no exceptions allowed, including but not limited to athletics, clubs or medical appointments.

0 Period Classes
● Students enrolled in these classes are subject to all Absence and Tardy Policies. (0 period classes begin at 7:00am).
● Credit may be withheld if a student accumulates an excessive number of unexcused absences. (See Excessive Absence

