Skip Navigation LinksSt. Genevieve High School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-06-Dances > topic-6-06-1-Formal Dances (Homecoming, Winter Formal, Prom)

Dances are school-sponsored activities; therefore, all school regulations are applicable at these functions.  All dances are scheduled between 7:30 and 11:00 p.m. Each dance requires a dance contract that parents and students are required to sign. Students and their guest may not attend if a contract is not turned in on time as stated by the Director of Character Formation.  

The rules governing dances are:​

Doors close at 8:00 p.m. and open again at 11:00 p.m. Students are not allowed to leave once inside the dance. Students who arrive late will not be permitted into the dance.  There is an admission fee with and without a valid school I.D. card. Admission fees will vary.  All Saint Genevieve dances are closed dances.  All guest passes must be approved by the Director of Character Formation. Approved guests must be in the 9th grade or above.  Only one guest pass per student is allowed.  Students must accompany their guest through the entrance to the dance.  All guests must have I.D. and must follow all school rules. Guests are the responsibility of the Saint Genevieve student. SGHS students are responsible for their guests and may face disciplinary actions for their guest's behavior.  Any guest suspected of being under the influence of, in possession of, or selling alcohol or drugs or displaying disorderly conduct will be asked to leave and may, in the future, be refused admittance to other events.  No refunds will be given.


Attire: Students are expected to know and make responsible decisions as to what to wear for school social events.  Our students must realize that different occasions dictate the appropriate dress for social functions.  It is hoped that students will make mature and responsible decisions regarding dress for social events, keeping in mind Saint Genevieve's standard of modesty and good taste in Dress Code. Guidelines have be posted on the school website to assist parents and students. Any student whose attire is deemed inappropriate by an administrator may be denied access into the dance and parents contacted.


All students must be picked up by 11:30 p.m.  Chaperons will leave at 12:00 midnight.  Any student not picked up by 11:30 p.m. will not be allowed to attend dances for the remainder of the school year.  The school will accept no liability for students on school grounds or Parish grounds after 12:00 midnight. For their own safety, students without transportation remaining past midnight may be dropped off at the local police station.


Students should be picked up promptly after activities. Supervision is provided for one half hour after an event or upon returning to school from an event. Parents who are late in picking up their children will assume the cost of the personnel supervising. The cost will be $10.00 for every fifteen minutes.


Students will arrive at the event and will remain at the dance/function, alcohol and drug free. Students judged to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol by the school administration will have their parents contacted and sent home. Disciplinary actions and the students consequences will be addressed at a later time by the Director of Character Formation. Ticket sales will not be refunded.

Students will arrive dressed in attire that is appropriate for a Catholic coed-dance and will follow the dress code guidelines stated on the school's website and on the student bulletien board. Students will follow the Parent/Student Handbook guidelines for attire. Students will remain dressed in the same manner in which they checked into the dance. Any alterations made to the student's attire during the dance/function that violates the dress code may result in the student being removed from the event. the Ticket sales will not be refunded to students who fail to follow the dress code guidelines.

There will be a "friendly frisk"​ at the door, any refusal to a search may result in non-admittance into the dance/function. Any student or guest found to possess drugs or any alcoholic beverages will not be admitted into the dance. Disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the Parent/Student Handbook. A student is responsible for his/her behavior as well as that of their guest and will be held accountable and subject to discipline for their behavior and their guest. Outside guests must be escorted in by the Saint Genevieve student that has invited them to the event. Outside guests must be no older than 20 years of age.

Students who are found to be in violation of the Parent/Student Handbook or have conducted themselves in an inappropriate manner, may be removed from the dance and placed in a designated area until they can be picked up by a parent/guardian.

All students may begin to enter the dance/function at the designated time indicated on the dance/function contract. Students will not be allowed to enter the dance after the set time indicated on the contract. Ticket sales will not be refunded if students fail to enter the event on time. Proof of identification (School ID or liscence) will be needed by all students attending the dance. Students will not be permitted to leave the dance and return at any time during the event. Students will only be permitted to leave once the dance has finished at the set time indicated on the event contract. Students may not get picked up early. If a student must leave for a serious emergency, permission must be given by an administrator after speaking or meeting with the parent/guardian.  ​

School dances and functions are school sponsored event and students are therefore expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate of a Saint Genevieve student and are subject to the school's discipline and dress code. 


In order for students to purchase a Prom ticket they must first complete the "Prom Contract and Permission Slip."  This contract must bear the signature of the Saint Genevieve student, if appropriate the student's date, and the signature(s) of their parent(s) or guardian(s). All students attending Saint Genevieve must complete the prom contract with the appropriate information and signatures regardless of whether or not their date attends Saint Genevieve High School.

All tuition and fees must be paid in full in order to attend the Prom or any other graduation activity (includes all tuition, late payments, band fees, detention fees, lock fees, athletic fees, and other fees for the entire school year). "Additionally, the school reserves the right to apply money paid for graduation fee, prom, grad night and other such events to any tuition in arrears and the student will then be denied the opportunity to participate in said events."  Parent – Student Handbook 



