When a student has been absent, a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian is required, and the excuses are kept on file for a period of one year. An acceptable excuse includes illness, attendance at medical or dental appointments, funeral services for family members, quarantine directed by County or City Officials or emergency or special circumstances as determined by the school authorities. Excessive unexcused absences may result in loss of academic credit.

If a student is absent from school an entire day, he or she may not participate in after school activities (i.e. practices, games, performances etc.) on the same day the absence occurred. ​

A permit from a doctor or from the Public Health Department is required after absence due to a contagious disease.  

​​You may not send a child to school experiencing ANY symptoms such as fever, coughing, sneezing etc. They really cannot learn if they do not feel well.  We will help them with their school work when they return.  ​

