Skip Navigation LinksSanta Clara High School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-12-Athletics > topic-6-12-01-School Athletic Handbook [if applicable]


By participating in the Athletic Program of Santa Clara High School, a student becomes a member of an ambitious and energetic group of young men and women.  In addition to the responsibilities a student-athlete bears as a member of the Santa Clara High School student body, he or she accepts an entirely new set of additional responsibilities.  The student-athlete establishes himself or herself as a model for all students in self-discipline, scholarship, and leadership.  In return, the rewards are great: the accolades of peers and the community, the pleasure of teamwork, the enjoyment of competition, and the self-satisfaction that comes from being looked upon as an outstanding citizen. Athletics means, therefore, much more than just participating in a game.  In athletics, an understanding and appreciation of teamwork will be gained as well as the value of fair play and sportsmanship.  Perhaps most importantly, the student-athlete will learn that in athletics as well as other things in life, hard work will bring success.


1.    GENERAL BACKGROUND:  For many years Santa Clara High School has contributed to the spirit and pride of the area through excellence in athletics and the consistent fielding of highly competitive teams.  This quality athletic program is a natural outgrowth of the Catholic Christian philosophy of Santa Clara which seeks to develop all aspects of the human person.  The primary goal of the athletic program is to build physical strength, self-discipline, and the team spirit in an atmosphere permeated with idealism, energy, and the values proclaimed to us by Christ.

2.    STUDENT ATHLETES:  To be part of this program is not the right of any student, but rather a privilege which demands a commitment to strive for excellence in all other areas of school life: spirituality, academics, school government, social activities, and discipline.  Perhaps in no aspect of school life is the individual called upon to represent Santa Clara in such a public forum as in the athletic arena.  Student-athletes must therefore be made aware of their constant privilege and responsibility to represent Santa Clara and Christian values to the world.  The true Santa Clara athlete wins respect by playing hard and demonstrating the highest degree of sportsmanship at all times.  This sportsmanship is especially demonstrated in showing fraternal respect to members of opposing teams and schools.  This sportsmanship is also demonstrated in obedience to coaches, appreciation for the talents of other team members, respect for racial diversity in all circumstances, use of acceptable language, and an overall attitude of respect and involvement in the life of the school community.

3.    COACHES:  Coaches play a highly significant role in Santa Clara's athletic program.  They are the natural role models who guide young athletes by their living example to the realization of all the goals of the athletic program.  In order to be such a role model, coaches need to be completely imbued with the athletic philosophy of Santa Clara. Coaches exercise their leadership from the perspective of faith.  Outside the athletic arena, they continue to lead their teams by prayer, support, and the example of a Christian lifestyle.  Whenever exercising their authority, coaches demonstrate respect for the dignity of every player entrusted to their care and thus win for themselves the true respect of their athletes.  Coaches also deal with parents, opposing coaches, administrators, and other adults in a highly professional and Christian manner.  A true Santa Clara coach represents the ideals and values of the athletic program with dignity, pride, confident leadership, and self-discipline.

4.    PARENTS:  Parents are the primary educators of their student-athletes.  Santa Clara's parents are therefore called to teach by word and example the values of the school's philosophy and athletic code.  Parents are strongly encouraged to support their daughters/sons during team competition with their presence and positive school spirit.   Parents also need to be aware that they represent the school in a special way during all athletic contests.  Parents and members of the opposing teams are always treated with cordial respect.  The same is true of those officiating in the game.  Parents should especially realize that their support of the Santa Clara coaching staff, both on and off the field, is a highly significant factor in the achievement of an effective team spirit.  Santa Clara's parents represent the ideals of Santa Clara both in the home as well as at all athletic events.
5.    SCHOOL COMMUNITY:  The Santa Clara school community, including students, faculty, staff, and administration, show their support of the athletic program by being present to witness and celebrate the talents of student-athletes.  Their support of Santa Clara teams is marked by energy, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude that flow from the school's commitment to Christ and His way of life.  In a special way, the school community demonstrates its Santa Clara spirit by offering warm and friendly hospitality to all visiting teams, their families, schools, and fans.

A mandatory parent meeting will be held by the Head Coach at the beginning of the sports season to go over policies of the Athletic Department. A parent/guardian will be required to sign in to prove attendance. If a parent/guardian does not attend, the student will not able to participate in athletics until the parent/guardian has a one on one meeting with the Athletic Director.

A yearly athletic clearance packet and physical examination is required.  The standard physical form must be completed and submitted to the athletic department prior to participation.  The examination covers all sports for the entire school year.  The form will be kept in the Athletic Department.

Each Athlete's parent(s) / guardian shall complete an Emergency Contact Form attached to the physical form, giving permission for treatment by a physician or hospital when the parents(s) / guardian is not available.  This form must be completed prior to participation.

The required athletic fee for each sport (which varies from sport to sport) during the school year must be paid for the student to participate in that sport.  This fee does not include any required fundraising activities that may occur for the sport.  Sports Fees will be due on the following dates:  Fall Sports-August 1st, Winter Sports-November 1st, Spring Sports-February 1st.    The student MAY NOT participate in any competitions/practices until fees are paid. If fees are not paid by the specific date it will be billed to their SMART Tuition Account with a $50 late fee assessment per sport.  The fees are non-refundable.
The spirit pack fee is an additional fee that varies by sports team and season.  This fee covers any team apparel that must be purchased by the athlete through Eastbay.
Athletic Department Fundraising
Each year the Athletic Department will conduct a fundraiser to help defer cost entailed by the Athletic Department. These costs may include CIF-SS dues, CIF-State dues, TCAA League Fees, Sports Patches, Referee/Officials fees, etc. The main Athletic Department fundraiser is Casino Night which is held in the spring.  Each athlete will be responsible to sell a minimum of two (2) reservations to the event no matter the number of sports played during the school year.  If the student does not sell the two (2) reservations, their Smart Tuition account will be billed the minimum amount of the cost of two (2) reservations for the event.  The Athletic Department may also have optional fundraisers to help students raise money for their sports fees.  More information on these types of fundraisers will be announced by the Athletic Director when the fundraising period begins.

A firm and fair policy of enforcement are necessary to uphold regulations and standards of the Santa Clara High School athletic program.  Participation on an athletic team is a privilege provided to students involving discipline and a willingness to make sacrifices.  For these reasons those who wish to participate in an interscholastic sport at Santa Clara High School must adhere to these policies.

Discipline in the athletic program is considered an aspect of moral guidance and not simply a form of punishment.  The purpose of discipline is to promote genuine development, to increase respect for authority, to assist in the growth of deeper motives of self-discipline, and to provide a team situation conducive to winning.  An athlete's discipline in a sport should be matched by his/her ability to abide by the school discipline code.


The principal reserves the right to amend the athletic policies and rules as necessary during the school year.  Parents will receive written notice of any such amendments.
All incoming freshmen are eligible to participate in the athletic program during their first semester at Santa Clara. Returning students who are academically eligible (GPA 2.0) and not on disciplinary probation are eligible to participate.

Transfer students must first consult with the Athletic Director concerning their eligibility before beginning any conditioning or practice with any team.  The Athletic Director will file the appropriate paperwork with the CIF-Southern Section office.  The CIF- Southern Section will make the final determination concerning the eligibility of transfer students.

Athletes who do not report to school for at least four full periods without prior clearance may not participate in after school sporting events. (An athlete must report to school for at least four full periods on Friday in order to participate in weekend activities.)

Athletes are expected to be punctual.  Tardiness will result in a loss of playing time.  Tardiness to more than three practices, meetings or games will result in an unexcused absence.     

Athletes must attend all practices and games.  This includes the summer conditioning program.  Three unexcused absences or any unexcused absence from a contest will disqualify an athlete from participation in the athletic program.  Serving detention will be counted as an unexcused absence from practices or meetings. If you are injured you must attend all practices and meetings unless cleared by a coach.
Absences may be excused for the following reasons only:

  1. Medical illness
  2. Death of a family member
  3. Court Appearances
  4. Quarantine

In all instances, parents/guardians must inform the head coach whenever an athlete will be absent.  Athletes will not be penalized by coaches for excused absences.

The Administration feels that team members have made a commitment to the school, fellow teammates, and coach. An athlete has a grace period of 7 practices/events from the first official practice of the season to decide if they would like to participate in the sport.  If the athlete quits the sport after the 7 practices/events, the athlete is banned from playing another sport for 1 sports season.

The student-athlete will receive a "withdrawal" mark on the official transcript if that athlete quits or is expelled from a specific team.

This is specifically forbidden by C.I.F. Rules. The Athletic Director and Head Coach of the individual sport must approve all personal trainers and/or coaches, participation in club and travel teams. Any athlete, who does so, must be withdrawn from the team and all games, which he/she has participated in, must be forfeited. A season of sport is defined as beginning with the first day of official practice and ending with the last possible day for a contest.

It is in the best interest of the student-athlete to participate only on the team in the high school season of sport.  The potential for fatigue, injuries, conflict of commitments, and academic pressures may adversely affect team performance.

If the head coach feels that it is in the best interest of the high school and its athletic program, the coach may restrict student-athletes from participation in the high school team if they play on an outside team during the season of competition.  

Student-athletes are responsible for the cleanliness of the locker room and for any damage that might occur. Athletes are not to use athletic facilities unattended at any time for an exception.

Athletes and their parents/guardians are financially responsible for any equipment or uniforms that are issued to the student-athlete during the sports season.  Before awards are received, or a new sport is begun, the athlete must return or pay for the equipment that has been checked out.  No uniforms will be issued if a player has equipment from another sport still due.  All items will be billed and up to $500.00 may be billed to recover lost or unreturned equipment.
No equipment or uniforms may be used for personal use outside practice or games.

Because of the nature of athletics and the travel involved, it is often necessary for student-athletes to be released from class.  This in no way releases the student-athlete form academic responsibility, including in-class assignments, quizzes, tests, and homework.  Athletes are expected to notify their teachers prior to leaving and arrange to make up all assignments, quizzes, or tests, and obtain homework.

When outside transportation is provided for a team, all members of the team will ride in the van/bus provided to and from the event.  The exception to the rule is given when specific written permission in advance (2 days before competition) is received and approved by the Head Coach and the Athletic Director. 
A student-athlete with a valid California driver's license may drive him or herself to practice, otherwise, all students are expected to travel with their season sports team.  Athletes may not drive themselves or other students to home and away games.

The awarding of an athletic letter at Santa Clara High School is an acknowledgment of excellence and achievement.  In order to receive a letter, an athlete must abide by the policies and rules of the Athletic Handbook, and in the opinion of the Head Coach, be deserving of such a letter.

To letter in Varsity, there is a minimum requirement for each sport, but a coach may waive it and award a letter because of injury, superior effort, inspiration, or leadership.

Because of the uniqueness of each sport and difference in coaches' philosophies, some coaches may wish to augment this policy with rules that pertain only to that sport. This would be in addition to the Athletic Policy. Additional rules and policies will be distributed by the Head Coach to team members before the beginning of each sport season.

1.      ATHLETES
Being a member of a Santa Clara athletic team carries with it the responsibility of maintaining our athletic tradition while conducting oneself in a manner consistent with Christian values. Athletes should address coaches and other team members politely, courteously, and respectfully in a spirit of friendliness and in an atmosphere of cooperation essential to a team. Any questionable behavior by an athlete will not be tolerated.  Acts of unacceptable conduct include, but are not limited to: insubordination, theft, vandalism, use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages or drugs, infractions of school rules, violation of the law, or immorality.  These tarnish the reputation of Santa Clara High School and its athletic program and will not be tolerated.

Parents/guardians are expected to support the school's athletic philosophy as detailed in this Handbook.  Failure on the part of parents/guardians to do so will result in the removal of their son/daughter from the athletic program. Parents/guardians must support the decisions of the Athletic Department and coaching staff in the presence of their child even if they personally do not agree with the decisions.

Parents/guardians whose behavior at athletic events is not consistent with Christian philosophy may be asked by the Principal or another administrator to refrain from such behavior.  Repeated refusal to comply with such requests may result in the removal of the parent/guardian from the athletic contest and/or future athletic contests and may also result in the removal of the student from the school. 

It is inappropriate to discuss with the coach the following:

  • playing time
  • team strategy or play-calling
  • other student-athletes

    If a parent or guardian has a concern to discuss with a coach, the following procedure must be followed:
  1. The student-athlete must speak with the coach first regarding the issue.
  2. After this has occurred, the parent or guardian may make an appointment with the coach.
  3. The parent or guardian may not contact a coach before, during, or after a contest.  These can be busy or emotional times for both the parent and the coach.  
  4. If the coach cannot be reached, call the Athletic Director to set up an appointment with the coach.
  5. If the parent or guardian feels a satisfactory solution has not been reached with the head coach, the parent or guardian may schedule an appointment with the Athletic Director.
  6. There is no appeal beyond the Athletic Director regarding playing time or team membership non-selection.


    Guidelines for Spectators at Athletic Events

    In the light of growing violence associated with high school athletics, the C.I.F. Southern Section has issued the following guidelines for spectators at athletic events.  These guidelines are an invitation to put into practice the ideals of sportsmanship, which can truly make high school athletics a positive experience for all involved.
  1. Remember that school athletics are learning experiences for students and mistakes will be made.  You would not jeer a student who makes a mistake in the classroom.  An athlete should not be an exception.
  2. A ticket is a privilege to observe a contest, not a license to verbally assault others, and be generally obnoxious.
  3. Learn the rules of the game so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
  4. Show respect for the opposing team players, coaches, spectators, and support groups.  Treat them as you would treat a guest in your own home.
  5. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials.  Do not question an official's call.
  6. Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
  7. Refrain from the use of any controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) before and during games and afterward on or near the site of the event (i.e., tailgating).
  8. Refrain from cheers that downplay the opponent or which use profane or abusive language.


