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High School Athletics

​​​​Most archdiocesan and parish high schools in the Archdiocese​ of Los Angeles​​ that participate in interscholastic athletics are members of the Catholic Athletic Association (CAA) and are bound by the rules and regulations of that organization. The CAA Gold Book contains the CAA constitution, philosophy of interscholastic athletics, and related policies. Catholic high schools that are not in the parochial geographical area are expected to abide by the guidelines set forth in the CAA Gold Book.

High schools are also members of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Southern Section​. New schools must apply for membership in CIF. The CIF Southern Section Blue Book contains the CIF constitution and bylaws.

Principals are responsible for strictly enforcing the rules and regulations of both CAA and CIF; principals must ensure that all coaching personnel are familiar with the rules and regulations of these organizations.

One of the purposes of CAA is to act as a liaison between its member schools and CIF. All complaints, protests, or questions of eligibility must be directed to the CAA president, who will review each case. If ​CAA cannot properly handle a case, the CAA president will forward the case to CIF.

All volunteers and paid personnel who coach at the high school level must be certified through the Play Like a Champion Today program.

