​All parents are urged to take an active interest in their child's homework. It is the responsibility of the student to see to it that assignments are properly written down daily in the required student assignment book or iPad app and are completed on time. A written excuse from a parent will be accepted if illness or a family situation prevents a student from doing his/her homework. The student will, however, be expected to make up incomplete work within a reasonable amount of time (ex. 2 days for one day's absence.) Unexcused absence or lateness will result in lower grades for coursework. When a student is absent, a parent may place a telephone request for homework assignments before 9:00 a.m. for pick-up the same day after 2:30 p.m. If you feel that your child is having unusual difficulty in completing homework assignments, please confer with your child's teacher.

​When a student is absent for an extended time, the school may withhold official grades. If parents/guardians wish to temporarily take their child out of school for family reasons, the principal and teacher should discuss with the parents/guardians the possible effects of such an absence.   It is the policy of the school to not provide classwork and/or homework for absences related to family trips and/or vacations.  It is advisable that the school keep on file a record of the recommendations made to the parents/guardians.

