All students receive a conduct/behavior grade on their report cards based on their following of classroom and recess rules and expectations.  Those who meet the criteria below may recieve a certificate at the end of each trimester or year, depending on the grade level.

CONDUCT/EFFORT CERTIFICATES     (6th, 7th and 8th grades)
Conduct/effort certificates are given each trimester to those 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who have an 0 or G in conduct/effort. Two detentions, two uniform violations, five tardies or any major disciplinary action within a trimester will cause forfeiture of this award. Any cheating or plagiarism incident renders a student ineligible for Conduct/Effort certificate.

At the end of the school year, conduct/effort certificates are awarded to students in grades 1-5 who have earned at least 5 “O’s” and a maximum of 1 “G” in conduct and effort as recorded at the end of each trimester on the report card. Students who have been out of uniform or tardy five or more times per trimester may forfeit this award.

