Skip Navigation LinksST. CATHERINE LABOURÉ SCHOOL > chapter-7-TUITION AND FEES > section-7-1-Tuition and General Fees

To help families meet their financial obligation, tuition may be paid monthly, due on the first of the month. The collection of tuition is handled by Smart Tuition. On your Smart Tuition enrollment form, you can elect to pay the tuition in full in one payment, due August 1st (there is 5% discount on tuition for this), or pay monthly for 10 months (August-May). You may also elect to mail in your payment to Smart Tuition, or have them automatically debit your account. Check payments are considered delinquent if not received in their office by the tenth of the month. In such cases, $35.00 late charge will be assessed to all accounts which are delinquent beyond the tenth of the month. A $25.00 fee will be applied to your account for any failed auto-debit and failed check payments.

Tuition and fees do not cover the costs of educating the students of St. Catherine Labouré School. Various fundraising activities, sponsored by the school and parish, support operational expenses outside of salaries. Therefore, families are expected to support the two school fundraisers as well as the SCRIP program. Parochial school education is an available option to parents; it is not, however, the only vehicle for educating one’s child in the faith as there are good Parish School of Religion programs for this purpose as well. Every office, business and home is dependent on cash flow. St. Catherine Labouré School must meet operational expenses and  payroll on a monthly basis. When committing to Catholic education, parents must also commit to prioritizing financial obligations, for prompt tuition payments are essential in order to operate the school.

In order for eighth grade students to participate in any/all graduation activities, all tuition and fees must be paid for the school year by June 1st of the eighth grade year. Payment of graduation fees assessed by parent agreement does not supersede payment of tuition and fees.

In order for any student to participate in any/all extracurricular activities (including sports!), the payment of all tuition and fees must be current.

Students will not be placed in a classroom at the beginning of the next school year if there are outstanding balances in tuition, daycare, fundraiser obligations,scrip or emergency lunches from the previous year.


Registration Fee (non-refundable) Due once a year per student.​
     $385 per student for transitional kindergarten, kindergarten or 1st - 8th

Tuition - Collection of tuition is handled by Smart Tuition Company.  The tuition is a yearly fee that can be paid monthly for 10 months, August through May.  Due the 1st of the month and late after the 10th.

Registered Catholic Rate (Those families who support St. Catherine Labouré Church through Faith Direct or weekly envelope contributions.)
     1 Student      $503.50 per month
     2 Students    $911.60 per month
     3 Students    $1,234.90 per month
     $220 per month for each additional student over 3

Non-Registered Catholic Rate or Non-Catholic Rate:
     1 Student      $609.50 per month
     2 Students    $1,091.80 per month
     3 Students    $1,478.70 per month
     $220 per month for each additional student over 3

Mandatory Fundraisers - The tuition rate for all students includes participation in the following fundraiser at these minimum, mandatory levels.

SCRIP - $350 (Generate a $350 profit yearly from Scrip purchases or donate $350 per family)

Annual Drawing - $100 (Generate​ $100 in ticket sales or donate $100 per student)

Technology Fee - $100 per student (This fee is divided i​nto two $50 payments, paid once in September and once in March)

Volunteer Fee - $250 per family (This fee is paid in August.  All families submit the fee their 1st year.  If families meet the minimum 25 hours of volunteer service each school year the submitted fee rolls over to the following year.)

Entrance Test - $35 per student in grades 2-8; $50 per student in grades K and 1

Late Tuition Fee - $40 (If tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month, automatically assessed by Smart Tuition)

Returned Check Fee - $20

8th Grade Graduation Fee - $250 (8th grade only)

Sports Fee - $65 per child per sport

Please note:  Students of families that are in arrears by three months or more in tuition or daycare payments will not be able to participate in extra-curricular activities.

