The entire Catholic community is responsible for the financial support of parish and school programs for the education and formation of children and youth. However, the primary financial responsibility for the education and formation of the individual child resides with the family, through the payment of tuition and fees.

School familes that are in need of financial aid are encouraged to apply for scholarship assistance through the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF).  The Catholic Education Foundation provides truition assistance to students who attend archdiocesan schools and who qualify according to financial guidelines established by the Catholic Education Foundation.  The Catholic Education Foundation annually publishes the policies and procedures governing the program.

Families that apply for CEF and are not accepted may be considered for scholarhsip aid available through St. Catherine's Tuition Assistance Program.  This program has a limited amount of funds available each year to assist families that do not qualify for CEF yet still have documented financial need.

Families who are unable to pay the published tuition rate are required to negotiate a written payment plan that will enable them to pay a negotiated rate in full during the school year in which the child attends the school. This payment plan must be signed and dated by the parents/guardians, the principal, and the pastor for parish schools, and placed on file in the principal's office. The principal is required to review and enforce the plan and if the parents/guardians do not meet the terms of the agreement, they may be required to withdraw the child from the school.

