Skip Navigation LinksAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Elementary School > chapter-1-INTRODUCTION TO THE HANDBOOK

Welcome to Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary School's Parent-Student Handbook. It provides essential information about the policies and procedures that the school expects parents and students to understand and follow. By reading the Parent-Student Handbook and signing the Acknowledgment Page, parents and students agree to be bound by the school’s Code of Conduct and all other school policies and procedures. You can print out a copy of the Handbook if you wish, but the binding document is the one that is online. The school reserves the right to amend the Parent-Student Handbook at any time. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any amendments.

Sections of this Parent/Guardian-Student Handbook are particular to Assumption BVM School. Other sections are policies and procedures of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, most of which can be found on the ADLA Administrative Handbook at

Mission Statement

Preparing students to achieve their greatest potential 

in a nurturing and Christ-centered community.


Make us attentive this day to God’s call and give us the Strength to be Faithful Disciples who C.A.R.E by being:

Critical Thinkers

Academic Achievers

Responsible Citizens, and

Effective Communicators​ who Serve



