Skip Navigation LinksSt. Genevieve High School > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-08-Academic Probation, Retention/Transfer


Any student who falls below an academic GPA of 2.0 or earns one or more F's will be placed on academic probation. Students may have the opportunity of being placed on academic probation (once per school year).  Students can be removed from academic probation at the end of the ten week grading period if they have earned an academic GPA of 2.0 or better with no F's. Students who are on academic probation and earn below a 2.0 GPA will be required to attend mandatory tutoring with their teachers, recommended by their academic counselor.  Students who are failing a class but above a 2.0 GPA must make every effort to remediate the failing grade. Students that do not schedule tutoring to improve a failing grade may be required to attend mandatory tutoring. While on probation, students may continue to participate in co-curricular activities; however, attending mandatory tutoring takes priority over participating in co-curricular activities.

Academic/Discipline Probation

Probation is a restriction of the student's rights and privileges. The length of probation is determined by the administration. Students placed on probation may lose financial aid. A student may be placed on probation for academic or disciplinary reasons. Behavior and academic progress are closely monitored to determine the level of cooperation, positive attitude and desire for success in our school from both the students and parents/guardians.

Probation Conference: When a student is placed on probation, the first step is to rally the cooperative efforts of parents/guardians, teachers, academic counselor and the student.  The terms of probation will be discussed and the student will be provided the opportunity to articulate a plan to meet the terms of the probation.  If the student or the parents/guardians are deemed to be unwilling/uncooperative/unresponsive/unconvincing, the option for probation may be waived and the student may be asked to withdraw.

When the terms of the probation are agreed upon, it is understood that the student on probation will be continually evaluated and may be required to withdraw if deemed by the administration to be in violation of the terms of the probation.

When a student is placed on probation for academic or disciplinary purposes, the parent/guardian agrees in writing to fully cooperate with the decisions and policies of the administration. The student agrees in writing to give his/her academic and moral best.​


Following probation, if a student is still below an academic GPA of 2.0, he/she becomes ineligible. A student may continue to participate in practices, rehearsals, etc., but may not participate in games, performances, etc. In addition, students may not receive athletic equipment or game uniforms. Mandatory tutoring takes priority over all co-curricular activities.  Students who continue to maintain a 2.0 GPA but are still failing a class will be required to attend mandatory tutoring but remain eligible.


Students who are asked to withdraw from Saint Genevieve High School may ask for a Discipline Review Board, on the condition that the student has not had a Review Board in the last 12 months. The board advises the Principal on matters of school policy concerning Discipline and Character Formation and makes recommendations to the Principal concerning disciplinary sanctions, expulsion or non-retention.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • The Disciplinary/Academic Review Board is composed of an elected teacher and a teacher selected by the administration and, when scheduling permits, one selected by the student.

  • This Disciplinary/Academic Review Board meets with the administration as well as the parents/guardians and students regarding the infraction before making final recommendations.

  • The Disciplinary/Academic Review Board will only conduct review boards with students and their parents and/or legal guardians. Other relatives, friends and family associates are not permitted to be present.

  • The Disciplinary/Academic Review Board is a confidential hearing. Students, parents, guardians and others are not to discuss the issues, topics and personalities involved with outside parties.

  • The Disciplinary/Academic Review Board is a confidential process. Memos, discussions, vote tallies, personal notes are not open to public review or to the parents/guardians.

  •  The Disciplinary/Academic Review Board makes a recommendation to determine the student's continued enrollment at the school. The President-Principal has the authority to make the final determination.

  • The Dean of Character Formation is the school representative in charge of handling disciplinary matters and is the liaison for review board matters. 

  • During certain times of the year when teachers are on break, for example, Christmas and summer vacation times, a Review Board of available Administrative Team members and/or Faculty members will substitute for a Review Board of three teachers.


Whenever a student transfers, the former school shall provide a copy of the Cumulative Pupil Record and the original health records to the intended school  when the intended school requests the information and the student's parents/guardians submit a release. The original Cumulative Pupil Record shall remain at the school. ​

  • The former school shall record the transfer, reason for the transfer, and name of the school where the student is transferring or entering after graduation.
  • A school will not give official transcripts to students or parents/guardians.
  • Principals may be required by the county office of education to report the transfer, withdrawal, or expulsion of any student.
  • The school grants full credit for all work a student accomplishes up to the time of transfer, withdrawal, or expulsion.



