Work Permits
Under California law and other relevant laws, a minor student may not work without a work permit issued by the appropriate authority. To obtain a work permit, certain information is required from the student's school. Information regarding work permits and how to apply is available from the California Department of Education.
After receiving a promise of employment, the minor student must obtain a Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit. The minor, employer, and parents/guardians must each complete their sections and submit the completed application to the school. The school will verify the information entered on the application by the minor and parents/guardians and will also examine the student's records and consult the teacher to confirm the student's satisfactory academic achievement to date. The student must then submit the form to the work permit issuing authority: the superintendent of the local public school district or those persons authorized in writing by the superintendent to issue the permit. If all requirements are met, the work permit issuing authority may issue the Permit to Employ and Work.
The school must keep a copy of the signed work permit in the student's file.
For additional information read the section Employment of Minors which also has links to the pertinent forms.