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Skip Navigation LinksADLA Administrative Handbook > Chapter 13 - Students and Families > 13.4 - Transfer of Records > 13.4.3 - Transfer of Records after a School Consolidation or Closure

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​Transfer of Records after a School Consolidation or Closure

​​In case of a school consolidation or closure, the following general norms will be employed:

  • If a school eliminates some grade levels, all original records stay at the school for as long as it remains open.

  • If two or more schools are consolidated, all records are transferred to the newly consolidated school. A notation of this move and the location of records are sent to the office of the parish in which the school closed and the Departm​ent of Catholic Schools. 

  • If a parish school closes without consolidation, the records are kept in the parish office​.

  • In the case of an archdiocesan school, the Department of Catholic Schools will designate an appropriate location for the records.

  • If a private Catholic school closes without consolidation, the Department of Catholic Schools shall seek to determine where the records are kept. 

  • In the case of a parish and school closure, the Department of Catholic Schools shall transfer the records to archdiocesan Archives.

  • For all schools that have closed or consolidated, the Department of Catholic Schools maintains a list of the location of records. 

For more information, see Document Retention.​​
