
Personal Appearance of Students

Parents/guardians and students are expected to cooperate with the school's uniform code, based on the guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. If there is a disagreement about a student’s acceptable appearance at school, the principal will make the final decision.

At his or her discretion, the principal may deem unacceptable any particular item of student dress or appearance that is not specifically mentioned in the parent/student handbook but is inconsistent with the school’s regulations.

If a student frequently violates the published standards of dress, grooming, or hygiene, and the school has asked the student to follow the standards, the school should seek cooperation from the parents/guardians to ensure compliance with the standards. 

In questions of personal appearance, it remains the principal’s discretion to send the student home for the remainder of the day. If a student is inappropriately dressed, the school may also reserve the right to require that parents/guardians bring an appropriate change of clothes to school.

Free Dress Guidelines 

Free Dress attire should be appropriate and in line with Catholic values. It will be up to the administration's discretion to deem what is appropriate for free dress. A child may be sent to the office to change or have a parent bring them extra clothes if an outfit is questionable. No advertising for anything offensive should be worn on students' clothing and should follow uniform guidelines for appropriate length of shorts worn even on Free Dress days. For example:

Shorts – walking shorts sold by official uniform company Vicki Marsha Uniform (VMU)

    1. Girls’ length -  2” above knee (no shorter)

    2. Boys’ length -  knee- length (no longer)​

Uniform policy for shoes and hairstyles 
On July 3, 2019, ​Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill No. 188 a.k.a. “The Crown Act.” The Crown Act was enacted to “ensure protection against discrimination in the workplace and schools based on hairstyles by prohibiting employers and schools from enforcing purportedly ‘race neutral’ grooming policies that disproportionately impact persons of color.” The bill goes into effect on January 1, 2020 and is focused on addressing workplace dress code and grooming policies that prohibit natural hair, including afros, braids, twists, and locks, which could potentially have a disparate impact on individuals of color.​

ADLA Student Hair Policy:
Hair must be properly groomed, clean, neat in appearance and must be a natural color (no highlights, bleach, or dyed hair). Exaggerated or extreme hairstyles, hair that hangs in the face, or that emulates gang or criminal affiliations distract from the educational experience and are not permitted. School administration shall determine if a student’s hairstyle violates this​​​ policy. The principal will have the final decision on what is acceptable.

Uniform Dress Code

School Uniform Policy

        Purchased through Vicki Marsha Uniform Company

  5292 Production Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649

  Phone: (714) 895-6372, Fax: (714) 890-9959

  www.vickimarsha.com ~ School Code: SAP7170


  1. Pants, skirts, jumpers, shirts 

Purchased throu​gh the school's official uniform company Vicki Marsha Uniform Company (no old school logos allowed, only current SAP School Seal)


      Girls Uniforms:


    1. Navy twill pants; must be fit to size  (no saggy/baggy pants/no skinny pants)

    1. Grades K-4 plaid Bib Top: 2-pleat Skirt must touch middle of knee or Plaid Double Wrap Skort. 

    1. White round collar blouse or blue or grey Polo Shirt.

1. Choice of white pointed collar blouse or blue or grey Polo Shirt with current school logo.


    1. Mass Days- Formal Uniform (provided by Vicki Marsha Uniform)

Girls: K - 4th Grade: White Round Collar Blouse: SAS Collar, Continental Tie, Plaid Jumper or Skort & Navy Cardigan with Emblem. (see photos below)

Girls: 5th – 8th Grade: White Oxford Blouse: Logo on Pocket, Plaid Prep Tie, Plaid Skirt or Skort & Navy Cardigan with Emblem. On days that it is very hot, students may decide not to wear cardigans (no PE sweatshirts, windbreakers, class sweatshirts, or hoodies allowed at Mass)

***Girls must wear modesty shorts under their jumpers and skirts​

  • No Navy skirt or pants for Mass days, ONLY plaid skirt to look uniform with the whole school. Girls skirts should not be too short for all grade levels. Girls’ length -  2” above knee (no shorter)

    NO Leggings should be worn under jumpers unless they are official uniform tights (white or navy for girls)

Boys: K – 8th Grade: White Oxford Shirt: Logo on Pocket, Custom Navy Tie with school logo, Navy           

Official Vicki Marsha Navy Blue Pants, Belt & Navy V-Neck Pullover or Vest w/Emblem. School belt is optional for Kindergarten boys to 2nd grade. All boys in grades 3-8 should have shirts tucked in and a school belt. No non-uniform shirts may be worn under the Oxford shirts (ex: long sleeve cotton shirts)

Sweaters and jackets for Mass: Boys must wear Vicki Marsha sweater vest (short or long sleeve) for Mass. Girls do not have to wear cardigan sweaters, but it is optional if it's cold. PE sweatshirts are not allowed for Mass, they can wear them after Mass. All students must wear white collared blouses/white Oxford shirts and ties.


Note: Mass attendance for Kindergarten begins the 2nd to last week of October annually.  Junior high students attend Mass daily starting September 2022. Mass uniforms are mandatory for all students on All School Masses (at least once a week). No FREE DRESS passes can be used on All School Mass days.


    1. Shorts – navy twill walking shorts sold by official uniform company Vicki Marsha Uniform (VMU)

      1. Girls’ length -  2” above knee (no shorter)

      2. Boys’ length -  knee- length (no longer)

    1. Belt is REQUIRED for all boys except Kindergarten to 2nd grade, where belts are optional *** 

    2. Shirts for Regular Uniform days***– grey or blue short sleeve polo with current school logo imprinted on shirt provided by Vicki Marsha Uniform Co.

      1. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. 

      2. Students may not wear shorts on Mass days unless otherwise noted by administration because of extreme heat (this is the exception, not the rule)

***ONLY current official school uniforms and logos will be accepted (for sweaters: 8th Grade sweatshirts and Student Government sweaters are acceptable on cold days). Students can redeem a FREE DRESS pass if they are considerd out of uniform (FREE Dress days should be obvious and appropriate, the uniform day is not an opportunity to come in free dress).

  1. Jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, scarves, hats and gloves

    1. Navy jacket or windbreaker with school logo from Vicki Marsha Uniform Co. (see uniform list above)

    2. Navy blue sweatshirt with school logo from Vicki Marsha Uniform Co.: 

1) Navy blue school sweatshirt with SAP logo

2) FAST grey sweatshirt (Student Learning Expectations: sweatshirt was a limited edition from VMU)

3) Current 8th grade sweatshirts/class shirts acceptable when 8th grade teacher approves it

4) The St Anthony Trojans Navy Blue Sweatshirt for current athletes only (for sports teams to use on designated days)

5) Current Student Government sweatshirts if there is one for current year (Enforcement of this begins in the classrooms too. Sweatshirts #3 and #4 are privileges and should only be worn by current 8th graders and current athletes on NON-Mass days) Vests for boys must be worn on Mass Days or official VMU windbreakers on rainy days.

    1. Students who do not have official school jackets must either purchase official jackets or wear plain navy blue jackets/windbreakers. It must match the uniform or students may be sent to the office until parents bring their proper attire. No jackets with designs. On winter days, students may wear heavier jackets, but the color must match the uniform. If a uniform is in question, parents will be notified immediately.

    2. No prints. Logos, sequins/glitter on attire. Hair accessories should be from Vicki Marsha and must match school colors- Black, White, Navy or Gray, no hats or gloves allowed, unless approved by administration for inclement weather.

3. Socks, shoes

  1. ***Athletic or walking shoes MUST be predominantly Black, Grey, White or Navy Blue (not royal blue, and accent colors on shoes must be in the uniform's color scheme. No fluorscent accents). No UGG boots or combat boots, no Crocs or open toed shoes are allowed on regular uniform days. Shoelaces MUST match the shoe color. A solid color is preferred, but white trim is acceptable. Black and white Checkered VANS or shoes with loud prints are not allowed with the regular uniform. For PE, no Converse shoes or VANS are allowed because it could lead to injury. No extreme colors are allowed (ex: fluorescent-colored shoes or logos, or bright red, purple, or royal blue and yellow shoes). In the winter, students may wear rainboots that follow normal guidelines of colors that match the uniforms, if faculty and staff approve this in advance for particular days (this is not the norm). No sparkles, designs or sequins on shoes allowed. On rainy days or extremely cold days, boots that match the uniform may be allowed if pre-approved by administration. Free dress passes may be redeemed if a student is at risk for receiving a uniform infraction. Regular uniform days may not be seen as an opportunity to stand out from the rest or have attire reserved only for FREE dress days.

  2. Socks must be white, black, or navy blue 

      1. Girls’ – knee high or crew socks or official tights from Vicki Marsha Uniform (black, white, or navy) No loose pants or unofficial leggings may be worn

      2. Boys’ crew socks only

        *** No ankle socks allowed ***

        ***Indicates a change has been made

4. Hair, Jewelry, Make-up

Hair- moderate hairstyles allowed

Boys’ no shorter than #3 cut– must not touch collar no extreme or over the ear styles, no hair coloring, no mohawks or designs in hair, eyes and ears must be visible. Students should look presentable, neatly groomed, and clean.

Girls’– moderate style – no extreme styles or hair color of any kind, shaved heads or designs, highlights, dyed hair is not allowed.

(Only girls may wear single earrings), no hoop or dangling earrings allowed, especially for safety on PE days and at recess/lunch

Makeup – no makeup is to be worn on regular days; no nail polish, fake or long nails, no lipstick, no lip gloss, Chapstick is acceptable (8th grade girls may wear light, naturaly makeup on special occasions like May Crowning, the 8th grade brunch, the 8th grade dance, and the 8th grade Mass and graduation)

Wallet chains that connect to the belt buckle are permitted for free dress days only, and on the condition that they are used specifically for this purpose. They may not be used as a weapon or made use as any type of disruptive action or distraction.​​​

5. P.E. Uniforms

Bottom Option for boys and girls: 

      • Jersey short, Navy blue mesh or cotton shorts- VMU company provided​, Navy sweat pants with Official school logo from VMU  (especially during cold weather, optional)

        Required Top: Navy blue PE T-shirt with school emblem- Sold in School Office for $10 each (see office staff for purchase)

        Required socks and athletic shoes: Crew socks and athletic shoes (NO converse shoes)Proper tennis/athletic shoes should be worn; tie or Velcro accepted, no extreme colors or patterns on shoes (no checkered Vans, Converse, or any shoes that could lead to injury)

        *Students must be in full uniform to participate in PE (Proper Uniform is part of their grade, see PE Syllabus)         

        Student Free Dress Code

        Non-uniform dress is a privilege granted to students at different times during the year. Non-uniform dress clothing must be neat and modest. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure that students are dressed in a manner suitable for Catholic school students.

        Students should observe good habits of grooming and personal hygiene and appropriate attire at all times.


        The following are not appropriate at any time:

        • Attire with inappropriate text or images 
        • Crop tops, tank tops, sleeveless shirts or spaghetti straps, midriff shirts
        • Flip-flops, open toed shoes or bare feet
        • Overly torn/frayed, sagging pants, ripped jeans, jeans with holes
        • Colored/Dyed Hair or Extreme hairstyles
        • Nail Polish or fake nails
        • Long dangling earrings or large hoops

        Certain school events may call for different attire.  In these cases, appropriate attire may be worn within guidelines given (such as Halloween or Dress up Days).

Our objective is to have students who look neat and presentable, who show respect for themselves by looking and acting their best. Students attend a private, Catholic

school where all students are required to wear a uniform and have a consistent look across the board. Therefore, the overall look should be uniform at first glance.

Repeated violations will result in students getting uniform infractions. 3 infractions equals one detention. This will affect a child's Work Habits grade and the ability

to earn the Citizenship award. In rare cases, it could result in the child being sent home to change. We appreciate the help of parents/guardians. On occasion, Free

Dress days will be allowed, but it is encouraged that classes will have Free Dress days on Wednesdays, short days, not on Mass days. There may be days where Jeans 

may be allowed, but only when pre-approved by administration (ex: green and jeans day on St. Patrick's day, or when Student Government has fundraisers where 

students pay $1 to wear jeans to school). No ripped jeans are ever allowed.

Lost and Found:  

All articles of clothing or personal items subject to loss should be clearly marked and permanently labeled with child’s name.  Lost and found articles of clothing

are placed in the office or in the daycare room (Rm 7). If unclaimed for over a month, these articles are turned in to the school uniform exchange or may be



Vicki Marsha Uniform Info from website: 


Vicki Marsha Uniforms

5292 Production Drive

Huntington Beach, CA 92649

Phone:  (714) 895-6371

Fax:  (714) 890-9959


Click here to see detailed information on the school uniforms and their cost. 


Girls’ Daily Wear

Worn every day except Mass and PE days

Top Options

  • White blouse
  • Gray Polo with logo
  • Blue Polo with logo

Bottom Options

  • Plaid skort
  • Plaid jumper


Black shoes and knee socks (white or navy blue)

Winter and cold day Options

*All jackets and sweaters must have the school logo.*

  • ​Cardigan sweater
  • School jacket 
  • Navy blue pullover sweater with school logo
  • Navy blue or white full leg stockings 

Teachers strongly recommend you mark your child’s jackets and sweaters in multiple locations on the item with your child’s first and last name.

PE Uniform for Boys and Girls: All Day on PE Days 

Winter and Cold day options

  • ​School jacket 
  • Navy blue pullover sweater with School logo
  • School sweatpants

Teachers strongly recommend you mark your child’s jackets and sweaters in multiple locations on the item with your child’s first and last


​Worn on Fridays, special mass days, and formal events

Required Apparel: 

  • White round collared blouse with school logo on the collar

  • Continental tie (Please label with your child’s name)

  • Black dress shoes

  • White or navy knee length socks

  • Cardigan sweater with school logo (Please label with your child’s name)

​Bottom Options 

  • Plaid skort
  • Plaid jumper 

Boys’ Daily Wear

Worn every day except on Mass and PE days

Top Option

  • Gray Polo with logo
  • Blue Polo with logo

Bottom Options

  • ​Pleated navy shorts 
  • Pleated navy pants


Black shoes and white crew socks

Winter and cold day Options

*All jackets and sweaters must have the school logo*

  • Knitted pullover vest

  • Knitted pullover sweater

  • School jacket 

  • Navy blue pullover sweater with school logo

Teachers strongly recommend you mark your child’s jackets and sweaters in multiple locations on the item with your child’s first and last name. 

Boys’ Mass and Formal Uniform 

Worn on Fridays, special mass days, and formal events



  • White pointed collar dress shirt with school logo 

  • Pleated navy pants

  • Navy blue strap clip-on tie (Please label with your child’s name)

  • Black dress shoes

  • White crew socks

  • Knitted pullover vest OR Knitted pullover sweater

Teachers strongly recommend you mark your child’s jackets and sweaters in multiple locations on the item with your child’s first and last name.

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